Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tomatoes and more tomatoes
A friend gave me 6 tomato plants in the spring. I planted them in our side yard garden beds thinking that I'd have time to take care of them this summer. I seriously underestimated my time commitment for school, though. So with my nose in a book, the tomato plants were forgotten and left to deal with mother nature on their own. All the extra rain we had this summer kept the plants alive and the sunshine of the last few weeks has helped to ripen the tomatoes. This week we have a large harvest of beautiful tasty tomatoes. And from the look of things, we will be eating many tomatoes everyday for the next couple weeks. To give an idea of how big the plants grew, the fence in the background is 6 ft tall.

And as always, the Black Eyed Susan's add a look of happiness everywhere they grow in the yard. I love the colors of late summer.

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