Thursday, September 03, 2009

Knitting progress report

Almost done with my second beaded dress. I found a few errors in the pattern so I am glad I decided to work through the pattern again. I just need to finish the edges and weave in the ends on the pink dress. Hope to have it done this week. I posted a corrected version of the pattern on Ravelry - now I just have to wait and see if I get any hate mail for causing someone a lot of frustration with my first version. Not that I expect any Ravelers to send hate mail, my experiences have been very positive with all the Ravelry users I know. I just don't like that I posted an incorrect version of my pattern. It can be so frustrating to try and knit someone's pattern when there are errors in it, makes you want to pull your hair out. Knowing that I may have caused that kind of frustration for someone else is not a good feeling. So today I am feeling a bit humbled, definitely a C-/D+ kind of day......

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